Comments : Failure.

  • 15 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Failure hovers like vicious murky clouds,


    I like how you worded this "vicious murky clouds"really strong use of words here!

    searching for any way possible to demolish...


    This indicates you have a deep fear of not succeeding in reaching your goals

    my every hope, desire of succeeding in life.

    And this fear is present in every aspect of your life

    Erasing accomplishments with its touch,


    Showing you fear your failures will outweigh your achievements

    a malignant curse of destruction

    You personify this emotion and portray him as the big destructor in your life


    You did really well on describing this fear you have inside of you.
    I have to tell you something though and I hope you will try to see things my way because it will help you.
    Sometimes we win but we lose and sometimes we fail but we win. When we set out goals that are not really designed for ourselves, but from some outside force be it a parent or pressure from peers, rolemodels or whatever, we can fail in achieving those goals. Or we "win"and then realize that having that person or job or even a certain look is just not us and then we are in for a huge dissapointment.
    I do not believe in failure as such. I believe in learning from mistakes and also I think that sometimes when we fail, we stand up a stronger woman and then we change our direction and end up with a much better result in the end:)
    You are kind, modest, intelligent and beautiful. There is no doubt in my mind you are a winner;)


    5/5 ingrid

  • 15 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    A very thoughtful write in my mind Temps, it definetly described failure and how it does destroy so much. Just don't let yourself believe it, you are much better than that. I loved the simile in the first line, this piece was so well-penned. A excellent write, you have expressed so much in so few words, few can do that as you have.

    5/5 from me, take care and have a good week.
