Comments : This pen

  • 16 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    Great poem, the flow carries through really well and the rhyming was very good =] I think you should use capps for the start of each new line though ^^
    Very interesting way of portraying the piece to it's a very good and thoughtful write

  • 15 years ago

    by kelleyana

    It has been awhile since i have not read your poems, and i came across this this one. I like the way you uses simple words to make such an interesting poem. Very well done 5/5, kel.

  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    "of a heart that has been lost and broken,
    and of a heart that's been repaired and sewen"

    This was my favorite part. I love the style and how simple it is, but it also captures so many emotions as well. I like that the flow continues and makes the poem an easy read. I don't think this one was as deep as some others I've read from you, but I still like it. Keep it up. Shanik

  • 15 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    The pen is a great metaphor for the driving force of a writer, and it would be dull to read poetry if we all had the same style. I did enjoy read this because I believe pointing to the dark and empty is a start to filling the void in the real world

    well done

  • 15 years ago

    by The Queen

    You write with such strong sense of enthusiasm and it shows in most of your works that I have read. True that it's composed of simple words but you managed to put them together in a way that is undeniably amazing. I liked the structure of the poem, this way would allow the readers to follow the poem easily. I have only few minor things to correct but of course if you may, I think that you have misspelled the sewn to sewen and within this line, it's told tales of things I've never seen, I think it was supposed to be just it and not it's. Other than that, this piece is just like the title, a lot of things to be told. Great job.

  • 15 years ago

    by cowgirlstar26

    It seemed kinda forced in some places, otherwise I liked it :-)

  • 15 years ago

    by cowgirlstar26

    It seemed kinda forced in some places, otherwise I liked it :-)

  • 15 years ago

    by Wishmaster

    Ah, the pen is mightier than the sword! (pun intended) It's amazing how the poet can turn in anything into something completely different. The poem is very good, I believe in all that you've said here.


  • 15 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Nice write, however there is no puncuation at all, with some punctuation, I feel this peice can mend together nicer and flow better. Overall I felt it was okay, you need to work on the structure I felt as well, I don't think 2 lined stanzas/verses did this poem justice. Also, you didn't capitalize very much, capitalization is needed to distiguish the begining of sentences and words you are trying to emphisis.

    Below I will revamp your write into a way in which I feel it will give more emotion and a better read all together:

    It's hard to deny
    what's inside,
    but it's something
    that I must hide.

    A deep void
    that is empty,
    this pen writes
    with such empathy;

    It has told tales
    of pain and sorrow,
    of children,
    who don't know about tomorrow.

    Of a heart,
    that has been lost and broken,
    that's been repaired and sewen.

    Of death,
    of those close to me,
    of the pain that you can see.

    It's told tales,
    of things I've never seen
    or of things I remember
    from my dreams.

    This pen has told a story
    from beginning to end,
    but the sad thing is
    it will tell them all again...


    overall a nice write mate, keep up the good work.

    Peace, Joe

  • 15 years ago

    by Alyx

    Again another incredible poem...