One too many days I bent over backwards for you-
Jumping at your every beck and call, I did it all for us;
My heart questions if there was ever really an "us."
I don't know why I hesitate- Looking back, there wasn't-
My heart falls into the depths of my chest and I sigh...
One too many times I hid my tear stained unhappiness,
Some days, smiling hurt more than the pain itself-
You once told me that I had the most beautiful smile,
I figured if I smiled enough, you would love me again...
Dreamers come up with the craziest ideas sometimes.
More and more frequently tears fell from my eyes,
Wasted time and money on the best makeup brands-
I had to keep up my appearance, you noticed every flaw
Soon enough, I looked in the mirror and didn't see me;
I seen the person you wanted me to be all this time.
One day sooner, I woke up with a new feeling in my heart
I no longer felt the urge to jump when you said jump;
A few months ago, walking away wouldn't have happened
But today, I am going to walk away from everything-
I'm proud to say, I know I won't even look back once.