If Tomorrow Never Comes

by BornAgainWriter   Mar 16, 2009

When people die have you ever wondered to yourself,
What they were thinking as their clock was ticking?
The timer was counting down to the last second,
If you haven't thought of it, think about it now, please.

If tomorrow never comes...

I want you Taylor to know that you mean the world to me,
That my life with you was exactly how I dreamed of,
That you were the daughter I could never have myself,
I'll remember the times it was just you and I,
I want you to remember me, in any way you can think of, and be happy. Not sad. Remember;
Life will be full of trials no matter where you're at,
And that you must make the best out of everything.
Our fingers will always be crossed with each other.
And, write "I love you more than all the continents and countries put together", everywhere you go on this planet.
Ooh, and call my mom...and tell her about you. Make her smile. Then call her everyday to check up on her. :) And write down everything she tells you in a journal; "Kia".

If tomorrow never comes...

I want you Kayla to know that you truly are a blessing;
A blessing to have, and a blessing to talk to everyday,
I want you to know that you were the first person I met,
And I'm thankful- also, people lie about themselves all the time,
You must not focus on anyone else, but you my dear.
Guys come and go, trust me I have learned that. Remember, that even best friends deceive. Go to the Browns restaurant, in Little Rock, eat there. And remember me, without tears. Take pictures babe.

If tomorrow never comes...

Gabby, I'll love you forever no matter what happens to me; No matter what happens to you,
I'll remember all the times we've spent talking late at night,
Red shorts and the time you traced my name on the beach,
I want you to also be happy, and celebrate my eternal peace. <3
Dedicate songs to me everyday. Songs that...make you think of me. Write, until your little heart cannot write anymore. For me....take care of Tay. Go to Albuquerque, and look up Eric Lope, and tell him everything about me. :) Okay. He knows my name.
Promise? Take pictures of anything that reminds you of me. :)

If tomorrow never comes...

Casey, remember that people will be exactly what they want to be, and it's not up to you to change them.
If they want change, they'll make it happen, in their own timing.
I want you to know, that you truly are a unique person, whether you think so or not.
Let people help. I love you too darling. Don't ever forget it. Do something for me? Go to Chicago, and take a picture of the city for me, take pictures of everything, and keep them all in a album "Karyssa".

If tomorrow never comes...

Tara, you are beautiful. <3 Even though we have our personal problems, I am still a person who can overlook things.
I wont promise that I can forget them.
Life, living in Ohio, and you in Texas is harder than I thought.
I'm strong enough. So I think.
I love you, girl. Don't let people bring you down.
And do something for me, go to the pacific ocean, write a message, and put it on a balloon and let it go. Promise? And take pictures of it flying in the air.

If tomorrow never comes...

Amber, you must tell your father how much I truly loved his name. :) And you have to go fight Brenda for me, like fierceness.
Remember, that no matter what kind of problems we had, I thought of you everyday. I still think of you. Remember, that I love you, and you still rock my world.
Eat all the salads you can eat for me.
Take care of Alex for me. :/ Please? Make sure he stays out of trouble.
Come to Ohio, and take Alex to live with you in Florida.
Then go to Daytona beach, and make me a sand castle. Take a picture of every angle. :) Swim and splash in the ocean.

If tomorrow never comes...

Kristina, I'll always remember how you stuck up for me when my account was suspended.
I'll always remember how much you truly cared for other people.
The scriptures you sent me all the time from the bible, did make an impact. I never knew when I was going to get one. :) It was the best.
I'll always love you like a little sister, and a place in my heart is reserved for you. Don't think otherwise. :)
Life is the way you make it. So live it, and be happy. Party, and smile. :)
Go to San Fran, and walk across the Golden Gate Bridge. Go take a tour anywhere you want there. I've been to almost everywhere in San Fran. :) It's a beautiful place. Take lots of pictures.

If tomorrow never comes...

Livs, I truly do miss you. I haven't had the chance to talk to you lately. I miss you so much.
But remember, regardless the distance, regardless of everything, I still catch cheezits in my mouth here and there.
So I know you're still throwing them to me. :)
I love you soooo much.
Piano keys, will always remind me of you.
I want you to go to Colorado, and ride horses. Take a bunch of pictures of any horse you come across. And put them in a scrapbook. :)

If tomorrow never comes...

Everyone will have a list of numbers to call for me. :)


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  • 15 years ago

    by Kayla

    Omg, yes, I promise Karyssa! Next time I go there... I will take pictures, and I will show them to you. :] & maybe some day in the future, me and you can eat there together. I love you sooo much. & you're right, guys do come and go. But best friends, like you, are a once in a lifetime kind of thing. Always there for me... through and through. I'm sooo thankful and blessed to have such an uhmazing and wonderous person in my life. You truly are a REAL friend. Thank you sooo much for writing this... I really needed it. <3 5/5. <3 <3 <3

  • 16 years ago

    by StandStill

    It makes me feel so special to be mentioned in gorgeous poetry. thank you so much ryssieroo. i love you. just don't die and i'll be all good :P

  • 16 years ago

    by RavishingEruption

    I promise. With all my heart, I promise.
    I love you Karyssa. Forever and always.
    You're the best friend I have ever had; don't ever forget it.

    I'm bawling my head off because this makes me think of life without you. And, even though I've only known you for about a year, I don't want to live without you just a phone call away.

    Love you Ryssie.

    AND of course, this poem is fantastic. I gave it a 5, added it to my favorites, and it's my contest vote for the week.

  • 16 years ago

    by JustKristina

    :] I love you R-y-ssie.
    You are so amazing.
    This is beautiful and I have tears in my eyes.
    I love you, to pieces, like reeses. . . always.