
by Ixora   Mar 17, 2009

All it took was the sound of footsteps.
It was enough for such a weary mind
To begin to fantasize them yours;
But the shadows around began to torment me
Speaking such ugly lies that I curled up,
Afraid once again.
Afraid as always.
I rocked, until I got the courage
To walk in the darkness
And crimson stained my cheeks
At the thoughts of you once more.
Hauntingly beautiful,
This reminiscence of your touch
So long ago I felt it.
Now my teeth hurt from grinding them
In frustration;
When all the footsteps in the world are not yours
But all the memories are.

-Simple enough to inform you of my failure as a writer.


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  • 15 years ago

    by SheenaMarie

    I must disagree with you this poem is great 5/5

  • 15 years ago


    I absolutely love this one darling<3 i can relate to it in so many ways. thats how i feel about him :/ everything you write is magnificent and everything i wish i could say. i cant write a decent poem anymore. even with everything i have to and want to say i just cant put them into words. but its like you do it for me! iloveyou mi amor<3

  • 15 years ago

    by Sora

    This was a fantastic write. a failure? i think NOT! this had many emotions, a very well expressed piece. please keep those poems coming! 5/5.


  • 15 years ago

    by Good Enough

    Your not a falure of a writer. this is beautifully written. 5/5