The Very Moment

by Colby   Mar 17, 2009

Laying there I asked her
If she would hold my cold pale hand
Laying there I asked her
If by my side she would stand,

She made me smile like never before
I couldn't see her but that didn't matter
My heart just couldn't ignore
That pretty face I adored,

I dreamed of something bright
The sun behind her head like an angel
So lucky to have her in my sight
Waking up was the hardest fight,

I only wished to fall back asleep
To see what made me smile
Fall in that dream that I hoped was deep
Because its been awhile,

Suddenly everything was lost
Unfortunately my smile was tossed
It wasn't until now I sank
Into the dreams that have become so blank,

It was all very real this way
Though she was there like she said
By my side forever to stay
Until the very moment I were dead.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Poetic Grunt

    Beautifly done.... the feeling i get from the words is overwhelming. Good job

  • 16 years ago

    by RoseBlood

    I actually think that the poem flows nicely, and what really amazed me was the capturing of a pure moment of love, and then connecting it through all the moments that are coming after that. I especially liked these lines:
    "I only wished to fall back asleep
    To see what made me smile
    Fall in that dream that I hoped was deep
    Because its been awhile,"-----------I love these lines, because when something hurts me, I just wanna go to sleep and remember the good times.
    I really think it's a nice piece.
    5/5. Keep it up. :)