Comments : Color of Tears

  • 16 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    Sylvia this is beautiful and portrays the many colors our emotions can display. We may not be able to see the actual colors but in my minds eye.....Green tears for jealousy, blue for depression, red for anger, yellow for the tears of fear.
    You have woven a beautiful poem. Great job, Kay

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    I think happy tears are made of gold and they do not leave a mark, whereas all the others leave scars on your soul and cracks on your skin...and turn your whole face a whiter shade of pale.

    Good write, dear lady:)


    5/5 Ingrid
    ps: I have that rainbow too;)

  • 16 years ago

    by Cindy

    Very thought provoking poem. I never thought of tears as having color....I know I have cried many different kinds of would be cool to have your aura read when you were crying for different reasons to see if the colors change.
    Very interesting.

  • 16 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Thought provoking poem and i really love such poems. Unique thought and very nicely presented.

    all the best and take care

  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Oh wow I loved this.. the color of tears when different emotions are being felt.. what a unique piece, I really loved the end .. the idea of the "rainbow" many colors, many different emotions.

    I loved this piece.. it was simply written but a wonderful read!
    Glad I read this.


  • 15 years ago

    by Cara

    WOW. Such a clever write. What a coincidence, i was thinking about the colour of tears yesterday. Not quite how you wrote it, but i was thinking about crying while wearing mascara and how that gives you black tears.. etc.
    I really loved this, so creative.