Bienvenue a ma Grotte

by Anaisthitos   Mar 18, 2009

My life has always been the same
walking through a fast paced sea
There's no one for me to blame
so the world seems to blame it all on me

My world once turned around
I had it all for a short while
Love and life is what I found
But yet, I was just a child

So here's my sad story
A tale of loss and sorrow
Today you live in glory
But it will all be gone tomorrow:

For years, I would shout
deep in a cave so dark
searching for a way out
leaving nothing but my mark

You pulled me out of the grave I dug
and helped me to adjust
you showed me nothing but your love
and cleared my heart of dust

As I learned to walk again
and learned to live above ground
You showed me what I've always been
oh what joy I have found!

And as I began to grow
and rapidly began to learn
It seemed so long ago
that this life was once a yearn

But alas, as I was whole
you were incomplete
I was so busy searching for my soul
I forgot to whom my heart beat

And as I started to feel love
you began to feel neglect
and as push came to shove
My new soul alone was left

Here I sit, growing old
figuring out what went wrong
all I wanted was a world
now of which I don't belong

So happy i once felt
so ignorant and young
But it all began to melt
Because you're the only one

Looking back at how far I've come
This life I no longer deserve
so back in my cave, so glum
Regretting the life I once observed.


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