Your eyes, Your smile, My love

by Kelsey   Mar 24, 2009

Your eyes.
Your smile.
Your intelligence.
Your heart.

Your eyes... so brown and loving
When you look my way, my heart flutters.
Even though you're not yet mine
I can't help but feel loved around you.

Your smile... So mysterious.
It haunts my waking moments
And makes me smile in my sleep.
I can't wait to see it again.

Your intelligence... you'll make it big one day.
You always know the answer to anything.
You dream so big, but I know you'll achieve them.
And I'll be proud to say I know you when that time comes.

Your heart... the biggest one I know.
You have compassion for anyone you meet.
You're kind to everybody you talk to.
I know you'd never hurt anyone you love or care about.

What's best about this all
Is even though we're not together
And might never be together
I can safely say you're my best friend

And I'm unconditionally in love with you.


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  • 15 years ago

    by ilikepurple222

    Beautiful. i love the way you convey your overall feelings in this. the simple things that some may overlook, you caught in this person in the poem. great job! :)