The Select Few

by Paul Delta nte   Mar 24, 2009

It's always desired by the pure
Even though its pain that they endure
Their heart longs for something more
They dream of love and happiness, do be adored

Few have it, many seek it, and I have found mine
With my love and my truest passion I will intertwine
With this girl that i adore, I shall prove myself
Forever loving i shall be, without the sneak and stealth

There is only clear and happy joy,
Of a beautiful girl and a lovestruck boy,
Forever I will adore her
Always I will walk beside her

Until time ends, even after my spirit breaks and bends
I'll always be here for the girl I love
She's the sun of my sky, and the stars up above


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  • 16 years ago

    by Amanda Jo

    This poem is amazing! wow. so good.

  • 16 years ago

    by SoUrNameIsTia

    Paul, my dear, your spirit is whole as long as im here. forever and more.