Comments : Ink Stained

  • 16 years ago

    by Rachelle

    It really good
    gret job

  • 16 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    Very well written The rhyme and rythmn and the semtiment of a tatoo dedicated to mom

    well done

  • 16 years ago

    by Liz

    I didn't know a poem like this could be written about something as simple as a tattoo.
    this is the first i've read like this. ever.
    to me, it has more meaning than just a guy getting his first tattoo in dedication to his mother.
    i think you're trying to get something more with writing this.
    be it what it may, i enjoyed reading this unique piece.
    definitely deserves a good vote.

    take care,
    Liz =]

  • 16 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    Wow. What a very unique piece. This was quite a nice read. True that the ink depicts the pain or thoughts of a place we have been in our lives that no one would otherwise see. Wonderful write. Great Job

  • 16 years ago

    by The Prince

    There was some negative and positive lexis in here and I was confused what tone you were attempting:

    Nice insight on the art of tattooing

    'We will not see his displaced pain,
    youthful remembrance he did gain.'

    It seems like 'he did gain' is a way of inverting the grammar so the rhyme works. I'd suggest rephrasing as it's as if the poem jolts. I thought the second stanza was better, and I liked how you portrayed your insight. It was clear and your rhythm was spot on.
    You changed tense in the last line though as it was 'he will get a tattoo' whereas in the third stanza, you immediately switch to past tense with 'disgraced', if you kept it all in the past tense, it would flow nicer. :)

    'Whether a heart, quote or flag,
    his skin will be forever tagged.'

    I like the idea of being 'tagged', quite a negative image but an original one nonetheless. It reminded me of branding like sheep yet tattoos are supposed to represent individuality. Interesting.

    The last stanza was most strong, it had a warm ending, and quite a sentimental message behind what was written. He shows rebellion usually assosciated with parents, and angst yet he gets his mother on his back.

    Nice work!

  • 15 years ago

    by xx

    That was rad. XD I like this poem very much.

  • 15 years ago

    by Cindy

    You did a awesome job on this piece. The rhyme and flow are great. It just rolled right off my tounge as I read your words. Love the imagery.
    Take Care