Passed Away

by Scrittore   Mar 31, 2009

It's just another rainy day
Another tear drop on my face
And every second elevates the pain
Every feeling now felt in vain
I'm unaware of what you think
I'm not sure if you can see the link
Between time lost and time away
Time together with nothing to say
There is in me not a shread of doubt
That at anytime you can live happily without
An hour, day, month or year
Without me ever being near
And I could try to make you see
Everything that you mean to me
But if you can never feel it too
Then what am I suppose to do?
You know that I will always wait
I've come to accept that as my fate
Even if I grow old and die
Without a man ever by my side
Alone is better than anything
That any other man can bring
You can love only one as I love you
I can only hope you love me too
But if you can't than I will still
Head to your every will
For just a small moment to see your face
From my dreams it cannot be erased
So here it is yet another day
Time lost, time passed away


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  • 13 years ago

    by Angel

    Wow i can see the emotion. i love it 5/5 :)

  • 15 years ago

    by Mel

    I felt the emotions in the feeling. I can truely relate to this poem.
    Keep writing.

  • 15 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    What a touching poem dear. I am so glad you posted another one. I enjoyed this poem a lot. Although sometimes in our lives we feel that undying love for one rarely is it genuine. You have managed to say that even if it meant being alone that is how you would rather be than without the love of your life. Those are the kinds of love that are treasured. Wonderful write dear.
    Take Care, Kay

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