I thought I was done

by arie   Apr 6, 2009

After all that id been through I thought id never live.
My heart was an open wound
So torn and defensive.
You made it beat again, you made me see.
Not all wounds are forever, you set me free.
You knew I couldn't trust you yet,
So you told me to take my time and don't fret.
You waited for me to move on from my broken heart,
You held me while I cried and tore myself apart.
You told me you loved me every single day,
And it didn't matter if I couldn't love you right away.
You were always patient and way to nice,
While my emotions were about as stable as dice.
But one day I woke up and saw,
That my heart was fixed, and it was because of you. I am forever in awe.
You were the one there for my tears,
And you were the one to wipe away all fears.
I realized I love you and you always knew,
Id finally see it and it would always be us two.


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