Comments : Love that i lack

  • 15 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    I guess misery loves company because I love this poem . the emotion touched my heart
    the only line that threw me seemed to have a conflict of tenses "Breaking down doors I have yet to seen in my way"

    Breaking down doors I have yet to see in my way

    well done

  • 15 years ago

    by anonymous lover

    All dreams I once had when I slept late at night
    They all quickly disappear as I head into the light.
    Breaking down doors I have yet to see in my way
    Just help me to say everything I have wished to say.

    ***well if i'm honest: i had some problems to understand the first took me a while till I noticed what you want to get to.

    Break my heart its OK I will allow you to do so
    Because everything that happened which I know
    The hurt right now seems hard and its breaking
    Inside of me it is my self, I know its me I am hating

    ***I think this stanza isn't that bad..but not necessarily good either. It kind of lacks on creativity!!

    Everything that is going on in my mind I will hide
    And everybody around me will think that I am fine
    But deep inside when I am all alone and without peace
    All I know is its not his fault. Not in the least

    ***I actually like the stanza. The flow in the last two lines are not the best but it's okey.........

    Right now all they see is nothing but my shell
    Not the core of myself where I hide in my hell
    All that is left inside of me is black
    Ill take it all for the love that I lack

    I really like the idea "all they see is nothing but my shell"..but still i would have tried to form it in a different way..
    overall it's a good poem after this big pause..:)

  • 15 years ago

    by ilikepurple222

    This was my very favorite,
    "Everything that is going on in my mind I will hide
    And everybody around me will think that I am fine
    But deep inside when I am all alone and without peace
    All I know is its not his fault. Not in the least"

    the feeling of having your heart broken but knowing it was your fault and that you could've done so much different. and now you hate yourself when you look in the mirror. you hate your reflection. amazing job with this one! you should read some of mine. they deal a lot with this same exact feeling! :) i would love to hear your feedback.