It's amazing to see all you do for me
The flowers you made just for me to smell
The lightning bugs you made just for my enjoyment
You're always there for me when I need you the most
You've never left my side even though I left you
You never gave up on me
And I'm so glad you didn't
You always make me smile
Especially when I see exactly what you've done
You make my days so much brighter
And you make me want to sing and dance
You hold me in your loving arms when I cry
You walk with me holding my hand in the most difficult times
You watch over me all the time
And you make sure that I'm always happy
You always have the words to say
You know just what to do when I'm feeling blue
You are the best friend anyone could ever have
And the best father in the entire world
I don't know what I would do without you
That's why I try to share you with so many
I want them to have the peace and joy that I have
And I want them to live with You and I one day in heaven