IN d caLmNeSs Of thE niGht, I Lay iN bEd
aGaiNst sOft piLLOwS wheRe teARs hAd biN shEd
faSciNatEd by thOuGhts Of yOu LinGeriNg iN my heAd
w/juSt oNe LoOk thROuGh my eyEs, my sOul yOu hAv reAd
tOo LoNg I hAv wAited
fOr a heAveN-seNt sO gRaCefuL & teNdeR-heARted
yEt hOpefuL my LOve wOn't bE neGLeCted
thE oNCe bROkeN, Let it be aGaiN whOLeheaRted
aMidSt thiS feeLiNg Of bLiSs,
iN yOu, I fOuNd my evRLaStiNg peaCe
ReaLized by yOuR exiSteNCe whAt my puRpOSe iS
tO LOve yOu eNdLeSsLy; thiS I shALL geNtLy seAL wiTh a kiSs