
by Kitten   Apr 10, 2009

Graduations finally here
Throw your cap
And give a cheer
Happy send offs
Lots of tears
Finally it's our year
Time to party
And to shout
Aren't you glad
That school's let out
Now it's time to say goodbye
Hug your friends
Try not to cry look to the past
Plan for the future
It's time we move on now
Hope you had a good last year

This was written while I had writters block so I was kind of forcing it out to try to get the juices flowing, so I know it's not as emotional as other poems of this type and may sound forced but thats because it is forced.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Saving Grace

    I duno, i liked it. =) like you said, it was quite forced in places. But it made me think about when i graduate next year. I cant wait for it. =) lol. Anyway i think, (for having writers block) it was pretty good. Nice work.

  • 15 years ago

    by mandy

    It kinda sounded like you're not really excited about grad. I liked the poem, though. I think even if it was a little "monotone", it gave the poem some character. Keep writting!

    -mandy :)

  • 15 years ago

    by No Need For A Name

    I found it to be quite bland and unexciting. You fail to capture any sense of the event, you just state evenets on a monotonic way. Also, both your flow and rhyme scheme faulter at multiple points in the short poem.

    Peace and properity,
