11 Minutes and a Piece of Paper

by Faithless Watermelon   Apr 12, 2009

Broken bones and frail novelties sitting on a shelf out of reach
why do you wonder why do you wander so close to the answer
all you don't know is all i have come to know despite the incomplete truth

sit in the sky and watch the birds ignore the clouds

im drunk but im not numb and the only thing i am blind to is justice

Rise and fall
Underneath it all

Over the fire and under the waves
I am always what the raven craves

An axe is just for trees until i see your face
I see you filled with fear you'll never displace
I'm about to make my dreams come true
It won't take long, not even god will hear you


Murder automatic
Passionate pandemonia
Incensed insomnia

Can't wait to see your blood soaked bones
I long to hear your blood choked moans
My pleasure, your pain is lingering overdue
It might take long, god still will never hear you



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  • 13 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Wow, imagery here is amazing. The message is clear and very well done. Magnificent job.