Confused, frustrated
Covered up with blankets exposed
Tragic yet intriguing
Remembering anything and everything
Writing just for the sake of writing
Dancing just for the sake of singing
Lost and loved and never heard
Heard but never listening
Acting and never honest
Honest but never really to yourself
Knitting, always knitting, but never making any wooly socks for me to wear
Creating, always lost in thought
Crying and never shed a tear
Hurt on paper and on soul
Talking, giving away your thoughts, your mind, but no one knows what you really think
Open, learning in your own world, only they know where you are
Watching but never seeing anything past the end of your nose.
Up in the air like that, how could you ever notice stains down on the floor?
Bright and very very dull
Black and white but always in colour
Shades of grey and running away from dreams
Running in dreams
Dreaming in dreams and never getting anywhere you want to go