He's My Dad

by sweet escape   Apr 13, 2009

A daughter's love
For her father is strong
Nothing he can do
In her eyes is wrong.

He spoils me rotten
Which he doesn't hide
You'll find him standing
Proudly by my side.

He's always working
And tired a lot
But in my heart
He holds a special spot.

I know my father
Is sensitive and smart
So when he's upset
I'll comfort his heart

He gets so upset
and in such a twirl
When he has to worry
About his little girl.

I'll tell him tearfully
"It's really not that bad
Yes I did get hurt
But please don't be sad."

Holding his face gently
And looking in his eye
Telling him "Daddy,
Please don't cry."

Where ever I am
He can always be found
For this little girl
Always wants him around

Even in sleep
I have nothing to fear
Cause I'm at peace
Knowing my father is near.

Our love for each other
We really do share
I let him know
I'll always be there.

I love him a lot
Even thou he gets me mad
I still am grateful
That he's my dad.

He's strong and fearless
In my brown eyes
But when he goes to work
He cries at my good-byes.

So I wrote down my feelings
Trying not to sound sappy
I just wanted him to know
How his love makes me happy.

* i was looking through my work and i found this...it was written when i was in 6th grade...now I'm in 11th sooo...it was a while ago...please enjoy.*


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  • 14 years ago

    by LadzOfSoul

    Great poem indeed... now I miss my father....

  • 15 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Really beautiful, though we do get many poems for mother but rarely for fathers and this one is surely coming from heart. Great write indeed

    all the best and take care

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