The Things He Used to Do

by Jeri   Jun 12, 2004

He used to take me riding
On the quads all through the woods
He used to by me ice cream
and we'd lick it as we stood

He used to give me bear hugs
and make me cream of Wheat
he used to take me skating
and he'd knock me off my feet

he used to do a lot of things
but of course he doesn't now
for a terrible thing came his way
that made us all say "wow!"

I don't know if i can say it
but i sure as heck will try
on night in late November,
he went out for a drive

He didn't think that he would
stop by there for a drink
he didn't think that he would
you see, he didn't think!

But he did, and then he went
back into the car
where him and his three friends
drove away from the bar

He should have worn his seat belt
he should have called a cab
he should have done many things
if he had, it would be fab

But he didn't, no he didn't
and his car came to a halt
as he went right through the windshield
and crashed into the road with salt

I wish he could be hear now
to hear me read this poem
but he died on that same night
and he left me all alone

it has been a year since it has happened
but the memory is still there
for my grandpa wouldn't be happy
if i didn't remember him.


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