She tries so hard to hide.

by xx   Apr 17, 2009

There is a girl who smiles lots,
Although she's sad inside.
The pain she feels inside her chest
She tries very hard to hide.

It's enough to fool her mother
And enough to fool her friends.
Sure, outside she's smiling,
But inside, the pain never ends.

Sometimes she fails to smile
And sometimes her cover slips-
But she holds back the tears,
And bites down on her lips.

She's sad inside, but no one can tell
Of the pain that is enclosed
In this poor girl's heart, and veins, and soul-
In her whole body, I suppose.

She clutches her chest tightly,
As she slowly walks along,
Fooling everyone in sight-
They don't know anything's wrong.

And each morning she will smile
For the ones she loves enough
To fake a smile for each day-
She's sad but she is tough.

And she'll go home and cry tonight
About all the pain that is inside
This sad girl's heart, and veins, and soul
That she tries so hard to hide.


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  • 15 years ago

    by SheenaMarie

    I love the fourth stanza...great write 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Stephanie Michelle

    Very well written. Love the flow of the words and the whole concept of the writing.

  • 15 years ago

    by Marissa Anne

    Wow i so agree with shattered dreams!! this was an amazing poem and i really enjoyed reading it<3 this poem makes me want to look at more of your work!!! keep it up

  • 15 years ago

    by iFallToPieces

    Woah, i really enjoyed reading this, even though it was sad, it was filled with so much emotion i just couldn't stop reading.
    I loved the rhyming and it was greatly written.
