by Inside the Liar Apr 18, 2009
category :
Love, romance /
desired love
He brews a pot of coffee |
by WaitAutumn
*They ciouldn't be closer* |
There was a lot of pronouns in this piece like she, he, his, her, ect. ect. which made the poem become extremely cluttered and confusing at times because it kind of made the poem all that more difficult to read.. however if you read it slow you understand the point of the poem. I thought that you did well with this, your poems are different from other poets. I dont know what it is, but your poems just have more length to them, and some arent always necessairly poems, but maybe like a paper or something like your House Divided one. Theres just something unique about you :] |
by The Prince
This was difficult to read because it was so simple. I found myself skipping everything because everywhere there is a 'and', 'she', 'her', 'it', words that don't actually add anything to the plot or story. If you took all those words away (which is a good excercise), you're left with your story. You 'told' us something here, you didn't show it through emotion, or imagery, or metaphor, and what we're left with is a...skeleton of a story. It's your job to flesh it out a bit, to make it interesting. |
Aww... wow i like this poem a lot... I love how you wrote it like a story... and the way you expressed the love of a long distant relationship... it's just so nicely done! |