I take it this is about a young person, a child perhaps making an object of art of some kind with flowers and other things found in nature?
My son used to pick daisies for me from the very fist time I let his feet touch the grass. I will email you the picture, the surprised look in his eyes when his bare feet felt the grass for the fist time is priceless:)
Sweet poem, it gave me such a happy feeling. Only parents can truly know how it feels to get a "gift"like that, ey?
(((hugs))) xx
15 years ago
by The Prince
Ever considered writing a short story? This could perhaps be expanded one day to form a character or something.
You'll find, that when you simplify your language, your communication becomes better; for example, your abundance of alliteration, adverbs and adjectives (which is, too alliteration haha) complicates the language. Simple verbs, echoes of certain letter sounds and shapes will do far more for you. Adverbs aren't needed if the verb is good enough, and adjectives will always be overrated. I suppose alliteration is like rhyme, it limits you to what words to use, for example:
'Purposely, productively and with precise precision..'
Could be something far more simple
'With precision, another stem is selected'
It says exactly the same thing as what you put, (not suggesting you use it by the way, just an example) the 'productively' isn't needed, because the act, or the 'verb' of making daisy chains is productive. And precision will always be precise, my friend. :)
Writing is like playing music - we learn an instrument and we can play it well but we underplay so when the time comes, we can show off what we've learnt and it stands out. Keep writing, but tame your language. :]