Paper Roses

by Darien   Apr 20, 2009

Paper Roses

Every morning starts with a smile,
As I awake to you lying next to me.
It wasn't just a dream, it was real
You were right where I wanted you.

In our bed of red roses and paper,
I write you letters on each petal.
Of daydreams and wishes I've had,
and the life we will have together.

When you wake up to our new life,
Just follow the trail I left you.
Letters I have written on the bed,
In the petals of paper and roses.

The final rose I left on the table,
Will give you the answers you need.
You'll pick them apart one by one,
And read to yourself aloud;

He loves me,
He loves me not,
He loves me.
He truly loves me.


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by BlueJay

    I cant say this piece is perfect, it seems a little plain. But I can say it is a nice idea and that i enjoy the style. Maybe if you used a move varried set of descriptions i would enjoy it more; I mean it just needs something (to me at least. Granted you seem to have many fans so... Im probably just weird)

    However I do think this piece has some great potential and I like the way your voice shines and the emotion is unmistakeable.


  • 13 years ago

    by Rihanna

    Wow this is sooo beatiful(:

    I loved the ending

    He loves me,
    He loves me not,
    He loves me.
    He truly loves me.

    ^^ flawles(: love
    5/5 from me ...the sweetest poem ever


  • 14 years ago

    by Brittney Follett

    This poem is just too adorable. Love is a truly amazing thing. I was wondering where you were going with the paper and roses but at the end you explained and it was a very creative idea. Very unique. Tying something all of us to (choosing a flower and picking off the petals trying to figure out if we are loved or not). With your poetic idea.
    My favorite stanza was:
    In our bed of red roses and paper,
    I write you letters on each petal.
    Of daydreams and wishes I've had,
    and the life we will have together.
    Just so sweet.


  • 15 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Darien, I've always loved your love poems. This was good, but I felt it wasn't your best. The overall imagery was good which I liked. The first stanza I thought was a little sloppy compared to the second, just my opinion of course. I also didn't really like the ending, you built the poem up for the driving punch at the end, which I felt you didn't deliver. With a little tweaking here and there, I think this poem can be fantastic. Keep up the good work my friend.

    Peace, Joe

  • 15 years ago

    by ether

    Cuuuuuuuute as.
    Very cute, Darien.