I fall asleep wondering what's going to happen;
Not what has already happened, but what's next,
I'm already trying to forget everything in my head-
A reflex to read a text so hard and perplexed.
Book in my hand and my fingers grippin' tightly,
Something is holding me back to the same spot-
In a life I was given; a life I am happy with now,
A hand to jot down the hot notes that I thought.
I need a break and minute or three to sit there,
With my eyes closed and air coming through;
Through my nose and out of my watery mouth,
I grew tall- and flew high, but that's not the issue.
I'm wondering why, these nights don't feel the same,
Feeling alone; not being able to move a single inch,
You're stuck, taking in advice from your friends,
Don't flinch- just pinch me and become the finch.