I Almost Said I Love You

by Dee   Apr 22, 2009

I almost said I love you
As we hung up the phone tonight
It is too soon to love you
But the words just felt so right

Everything comes naturally
When you are with me
It's only been a week
But you have captivated me

Love at first sight, my soul mate
Is there a way it could it be true
I really have no idea
But I am so caught up in you

Endless daily texting
Late nights on the phone
Speaking of how our past
Left us lonely and alone

Diving into deep waters
With our eyes wide shut
Knowing there is something special
That we don't want to give up

Making plans for the future
While learning each others past
Thinking we found something special
Believing this will last

It is just so fabulous
My heart feels so renewed
Because when I hung up the phone
I almost said I love you

And I know it is too soon
For feelings that run so deep
But one thing that I know for sure
Is that you are mine for keeps

I never want to let you go
I want you by my side
Because I sort of thought I love you
If only in my mind

I want this to last forever
My heart will never roam
And one day I will say I love you
When we hang up the phone


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  • 15 years ago

    by Augusta

    Nice one... ive been gone for years... but you obviously havnt lost your touch...

    • 6 years ago

      by Diana Via

      Just got back on again. Are you still around? Would love to see some new writing.
      I am going to try to start writing again. Thanks for the compliment.

  • 15 years ago

    by Cindy Miller

    WoW You expressed this very well." its only been a week, yet you have captivated me "

    I kinda feel the same, hope i have the courage,to write such a nice piece
    Keep it up!