I slip my heart in your pocket

by andhereIstand   Apr 28, 2009

The feeling of your arms around me
I dont feel that with anyone else.
I dont feel my heart skip when they look at me.
When they tell me Im beautiful
It doesnt matter as much as that one time
You told me the same.
When they say they love me

I deflect them with hurtful remarks.

I dont want their love.
I dont want them to care.
I dont want their sympathy, their thoughts, their ideas.
I dont want a comforting hug.
I dont want the offer of their shoulder.
I dont want them to ask what is wrong

When I find myself lost staring at you
Even when you're not there.
I dont want them to make me laugh
Because they will never make me laugh like you did.
I dont want to dance with them
Because I am comfortable with you.
I dont want to hold their hands
Because I know they dont know what you do.
They dont know how much I love
When you trace patterns on my skin.
They wont know how much I love
How your hands encompassed mine
How you would fold my fingers together and wrap your hands around mine
How I could tuck myself in your arms
And be safe from the world
How you could wrap yourself around me like a blanket
And everything but you and me ceased to exist.
How when you kissed me it was like
The whole world was gone and I couldnt even breath.
How it didnt matter where I was going
If Id just left you, I couldnt talk for the next hour.
They wont ever know what I felt for you
Because my heart is still yours.
And I cant bring myself to take it back
So I slip it into your coat pocket
Hoping you might find it one day
Because they wont ever know
I dont want anybody but you


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  • 15 years ago

    by Armada the Gestalt

    First and foremost: UUUUUUUSE APOSTROPHES. D: this was really promising until you skipped them.

    Oh and, just a tip, it happens to me - your ? or your ! can't tell which have been changed to gibberish, go back and replace the gibberish and this time it should work.

    This poem could benefit from line breaks, such as at that cluster of 'I don't's.

    Now I'm going to give that a 4/5 because it has a lot to say but it needs a little bit of help saying it. I really love the titular line and the one after, it's very original and sweet.

    The rest though I dunno, doesn't fit my personal wishes for a poem. It doesn't use any tricks or whatnot like imagery, changing of flow, line breaks at good moments, etc. I'd say rhyme but you'd take me for one of those annoying people who think poetry needs to rhyme - it doesn't.

    Erm, I digress. So. I won't go line by line because they're all... I dunno they say it, but it's hard to feel it. Right now, they're just sad words. You can make them sad thoughts without too much effort, hence the 4. You have a nice theme and a nice method - the 'yes but no' feeling, it's good, so work on it. :3