What is love?
hell i doubt anyone knows
and I'm talking its TRUE feelings
but ill tell you whats NOT love
being cheated on being lied to
and being forgotten....
when someone says they love you
is it true do they even know what it means?
or do they say it cuz everyone else does
do they even really know?
people lie and they cheat
there nothing more then animals
we all don't know what loves true meaning is
not even me....
maybe i did once...once upon a time
when he meant the world
nobody else mattered, just him
my heart cried for him
it couldn't be without him
it felt alive and it hurt when he was away
unbearable pain that i suffered through
now hes gone....
never to come back to me
that was when my love really mattered
when it had a meaning
but no matter what
he will always have my heart
because he was the first to steal it
now my heart can never be loved
or will love like it loved him
nobody ever really forgets there first true love....