She Will Be Heard.

by Darya   May 8, 2009

What happened to those good old days?
where you didn't have to be pretty to be praised
these days everything is so lost
people don't care, they don't look at the cost
little girls trying to be like someone thats on TV
they want to be that image that everyone else can see
all that makeup they keep pilling it on
what happened to natural beauty? well its gone
people keep saying beauty is only skin deep
but they only say that to make it easier to go to sleep
no one really cares about whats inside
your feeling and all the rest, they want you to hide
to them, the perfection of makeup is beauty
look good, and your life will go smoothly
but if you look the natural way that you are
in high school, your looks wont get you that far
life these days are becoming so superficial
all everyone cares about is their looks and next facial
but they don't stop to look, notice and find
those stuff that cover her up, is a way to hide behind
hide from the truth, of being scared
because without her looks, she worries if she will be cared
will people still look at her as the person she is
asking herself these questions, its one hell of a quiz
breaking apart, from all these things that made her fake
she feels so sick, she feels her stomach ache
theres no going back once she took this way
now she has to keep on going, day after day
she never knew that not being herself could be so painful
before she even realized all this, her life was simply dull
now she has to wait till the time is right
to step out of the darkness and into the light
show everyone who she really is deep inside
without the makeup, hopefully they wont hide
from the truth she finally discovered
she was fake, and now she will be heard


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  • 15 years ago

    by Courtney Hough

    this is so good
    i felt like u where talking to me mostly at *from the truth she finally discovered
    she was fake, and now she will be heard* 5/5