I saw you today...I cried
I saw you with her...I died
You said you loved ME...You lied.
I want to be yours...Your mine.
I ran to the stalls and cried.
You walked right past me and I died.
I said that I hate you but I lied.
I really do want you to be mine.
"Leave me the F alone"...I do.
Text and say were done...Its true.
"Do you honestly think I want to you?!"
"I f'n hate you!"
You told me to leave you so I do.
I texted her and said we're done but it's not even true.
I really do want to talk to you.
"I f"n love you!"
I need some...I'm confused.
I won't take you back...I refuse!
I like someone else we're through.
I broke your heart...I win.
I gave you some time, I'm confused.
I try to take you back but you refuse.
Don't worry I'm waiting for you.
what? There's some one else...I lose?
our game is over...were through!