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by Jessca Mason May 19, 2009 category : Life, society / other
Imagine a world Where wind blew so soft Where laughter and joy Are heard frequent and oft Imagine a world Where the work is like play The sun smiles warmly On you everyday With your best friend beside you You're never alone Each day after school You talk on the phone You know if your sad There are places to go Soft shoulder to cry on And you let your pain go Imagine that world On a bright summers day Stand there and watch Get torn all away There used to be good days And bad days were rare Now that reversed Your to cold to care For the warmth that you loved Has blown with the breeze Now your shivering and cold Always ill at ease Your hearts in your throat Fears in your mind But where to go now When the worlds so unkind Flee the lunchroom Dash for the stairs Known noone will miss you Because nobody cares As tears streak your face At noon everyday You wondered if ever You wont feel this way Imagine a world Of deception and fear Of lies drinks and drugs That dont belong here And imagine my friend Just what would you do? If this new scary life Thrust itself upon you