You took hold of my hand
You took hold of my heart
You told me you'd always be there
Right from the start
You're outside this window
Miles & Miles away
Although we're distanced apart
I still feel you in my heart, babe
Tell me all your secrets
Tell me what were lies
Tell me if you still
Feel the butterflies
Because I do
Honey my heart beats like crazy for you
It pounds so rapidly through my chest
But it will never, ever rest
You picked me up when
my face was damp with tears
my soul was filled with fears
my wrists were bloody and sore
why do you still help me more?
These feelings shake my body
day and night
I wake up; you're not in sight
I cry
I cry with fright.
You're not there to hold me tight
Your eyes they say it all they tell me I'm safe
I wonder how long it would take me to walk to her from here
Maybe if I ran
he's asleep now
Tucked in bed
his beautiful eyes closed
he's dreaming
I want to be there, I want to be there more than ever
I want to feel her breath warm on my face
I want to feel her arm over my waist
I want to see her breathing
His body would be a blanket
We'd share each other's warmth