Death of My Best Friend---To Bailey

by YourThe ReasonIDiedTonight   May 22, 2009

I have not checked grammar and this is more of a story in beginning and then ends with me describing her as a person. I wrote this for her funeral and i want to know what everyone thinks of it. So thanks. If you want to read a poem instead of this all the rest of my posts are poems.

They say God sends angels to earth to watch over the living. These angels are sent from heaven in human form. When sent the angels are ridden of their memories of heaven but are given the knowledge and strength of a true believer in God. These angels are assigned tasks in life but they are not aware for these tasks they are to for fill. Some angels are given the task to help bring peace to the world, some the task to bring love and some the task to pass on knowledge. The half of the angels are not assigned to these unproblematic tasks are chosen for the much more difficult and grueling tasks. Their missions are much more difficult in the fact that they are violent, painful, brutal, vicious, and deadly. They require a curtain kind of angel one that can endure and tolerate the missions the best. These missions are also appointed to teach, show and shock the people. They are also the tasks that change the world. The type of angels given the more complicated missions are often, more or less, forgotten by people compared to those angels that show peace and love. But on this November the 17th one of the angels given a painful mission passed away and went back the heavenly gates to be at peace with God. But unlike the many angels given these missions SHE WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN and neither will the impact that she had on the people around her that loved and adored her.

Her name was Bailey. She was sent down, touched and changed millions of lives. Yes, she had her own hardships in life but the hardships were never too much for her to were she was not able to be there for others. She had a sense of humor that was crazy, loving, and quite amusing to watch. She had a heart of gold. She thought of other before she would ever think about herself and when she smiled or laughed the whole world seem to brighten. She was a strong women and amazing at sports. She never lied or cheated. She loved and believed in God with her whole heart and soul. She was too tough on herself about everything but s why she succeeded in so many things. She gave, gave, gave and never expected you to give back. She was all ears when someone needed to talk and gave good advice. There were many that called her a best friend and one of those people is me.
People have asked me where she is right now and normally I would say I have no idea but I think I may change that. I believe she is here with us right now comforting us, loving us, watching over us and protecting us. Shes also laughing at us right now because she knows the answer to the question

Is God a women or man?

Bailey was the closest person that I ever have come to in considering a true angel. She will never be forgotten and will forever be in our hearts. The lives she touched and have changed will live on. Although she has died we must remember that we to must move on. NOT FORGET but to morn and then live out our lives the best we can. It will hurt of a long time but Bailey would want to see us live a good life and to not waste it.
We all love you Bailey and will miss you. Goodbye my dear friend R.I.P.


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  • 13 years ago

    by HisBlueEyedAngel

    This is so sad...I'm sorry you had to deal with this.

  • 15 years ago

    by Nat4lee

    Fab poem reali sad tho
    x x natasha

  • 15 years ago

    by FromHeroToZero

    and thanks for your comment,
    it's been a while since I'd been on this site, so I'm sorry for the late response.
    You're the reason why people like me write poetry, thank you.

  • 15 years ago

    by Cindy Miller

    Wow! I didn't know Bailey,but a good friend I seen through your words. keeping your memories alive, will always let you survive.
    Great job!! 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Brittany

    Very well written. I feel your pain. Even those who hasn't lost anyone can feel you pain through this.'