You see it in the eyes:
The walls are built,
Delight replaced by guilt
When childhood dies.
*Very mysterious start. Makes me think. Good opening stanza*
Afraid to show surprise,
Beginning young
It's best to hold the tongue
When childhood dies.
Uniqueness deemed unwise,
One must fit in
And wear a different skin
When childhood dies.
*I love how you repeat that last line. It makes the poem more powerful. Very clever*
Behind adult disguise,
A too tight gown,
All naturalness shut down
When childhood dies.
*Another good stanza. I'm really enjoying this poem*
You see it in the eyes,
At nine or eight
Before, if that's their fate,
When childhood dies.
*This is such a brillant poem. You have an amazing talent. I how simple this poem is, but the message behind it is very complex. Keep it up. I can't wait to read more :) Nik*