Dating a Jerk

by Ice Cream Fantasies   May 23, 2009

Ignoring my messages and ignoring my texts.
Ignoring my calls and ignoring me.
Why did you suddenly change?
Am I not good enough for you?
Or am I just too naive?
Whatever it is that you are hiding,
I don't want to give a crap.
Because I don't feel like I know you anymore.
It's like you're trying to hide under a cap.
And don't want to be with me anymore.
The tears that I can no longer hide are running down my face as my heart beats with emptiness.
Without your presence I fell like I can't find happiness.
Why is it so hard to forget but yet so easy to remember?
Was it really that hard to keep our relationship together?
I guess all I have left to say is thanks.
Thanks for teaching me a lesson about dating jerks.
Because you were nothing but a jerk.
I'm sure I won't make the same mistake ever again.


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