The Love & The Blade

by Ashley   May 25, 2009

The blade touched my wrist once again,
I told you I am addicted, but you didn't listen,
You made it like it was no big deal.
But since I tried to kill myself I think it may very well be a big deal.
I am in love with you.
You broke my heart,
You act like you're the only one going through any drama,
But everyone is....
Especially me,
And I know your drama sucks.
I know.
But you have to think about how you treat me.
I love you,
I wonder how many times I've told you that.
I know when I knew I loved you,
I knew from the moment I met you that I would love you forever,
The day we started talking about you staying is when I realized I loved you.
When you stayed I told you,
You watched the video and the look in your eyes... it was priceless.
Now you keep hurting me,
Today you told me that you still like me.
I know that we can be perfect together.
I know that we can love each other the way we used to.
But that's all hoping,
I know that you're never gonna give me a second chance and that makes me feel like death is the best place to escape to.
I want to be with you,
I can't live without you,
I've tried.
I tried to kill myself because you just really don't get it.
I'm in love with you,
You won't give me a second chance,
Just tell me why,
What do you have to lose?
Why won't you let this happen?
I know that you still love me.
I want you.
You used to make me so happy,
But now it seems that every time we talk it ends up really horrible.
I love you,
I don't love the blade that has taken over my life,
I know that we can be happy together.
The blade will do nothing for me.
Let me have another chance and I know that I won't ever do it again.

It's crazy how things chance. I'm in love with her and she keeps breaking my heart, but I MUST be here for some reason. I just hope we end up together. Trying to kill myself really doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere.


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