I don't understand but I can be strong for you

by Maddy   May 28, 2009

I'm not quite sure what to say,
I only wish i could promise everything will be OK.
But the thing is, I can not.
For, I'm still not sure the lesson being taught.

Everything happens for a reason,
But how could God commit such treason?
Against such an amazing girl,
The purpose I'm still trying to unfurl.

Bright, bubbly teen, outstanding friend,
So why is it your future is coming to an end?
Body much older than it appears,
Muscles decaying, forcing up our deepest fears.

No longer can you run, or jump or dance,
Your beautiful posture will change it's stance.
But I promise no matter what you will go through,
Your one of my best friends, and I'll never leave you.

**Dedicated to one of my best friends, Ashley, who we just yesterday got diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis**


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