Adapting To The Unknown

by Poet on the Piano   May 30, 2009

I sense something has altered within me,
Perhaps for the better, maybe for the worse,
All I know is that I am no longer Bella Swan,
The clumsy human who is just so normal,
But Bella Cullen, the nimble vampire girl.

In the last week I received mysterious signs,
Creeping up in the depth of nightmares,
Foreboding messages of the upcoming event.
The transformation that cannot be reversed,
A change no one in this world has faced before.

I have to embrace this new power of mine,
Whatever it may be, for it is in good hands,
Never shall I fail to use my strengthened talents.
I will train and learn how to defend others,
For the approaching battle will be a deadly test.

Although my name still remains the same,
So much of who I was has been alternated,
Speed has consumed what used to be inert.
Sharper senses cling to my knowledgeable mind,
Helping me know what's to come, to be prepared.

I see this as an opportunity to start fresh,
A new life with a family that belongs to me,
Members of whom would risk their lives.
Past memories now crushed straight to dust,
For this is where my life story shall truly start.


Based on the book Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer.


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  • 15 years ago

    by NightFlyer

    A very engaging tale, Moon Shadow!

  • 15 years ago

    by Ingrid

    You made me curious to find out who this writer is MaryAnne, In my country she is not well known.
    You have this great ability to tell stories, such an extensive vocabulary for a girl your age.....Keep writing sweet girl, you will go far..I can feel it:)


    5/5 Ingrid