The Song of Life

by ViolentlyDisturbed   Jun 8, 2009

Aren't we all just a chores in life
Trying to get our voices heard above the crowd
And if you sing better then others
Why do you get center stage
We all sing the same song
We all sing with the same passion
And all our hearts beat to the same rhythm
But if you whisper beautiful words from the back row
Others mock your performance
They tell you to sing with one voice
But they know nothing of this new song
They know not of true beauty and passion
The sacrifice of letting out my soul
Spilling my guts onto a canvas in the dark
And beauty spills down the edges of the pages I write
This is beauty to me


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  • 15 years ago

    by Kayla

    I really like this! I love the point of his poem.. i got from it is that some people shine and others go unseen but we all just want the same thing. its much better through your words though lol... very beautiful poem!

  • 15 years ago

    by lonelyrider

    I like it, can you sing it??? hope to read some of your new poems... thanks///

  • 15 years ago

    by mandy

    Wonderfuly written! Strong emotions, and a good message. 5/5

    mandy :)