The sweet kiss of metal
as it slides across my skin
the pain, i welcomed
i let the blade in
the metal soothes me
it is my greatest friend
later i will regret
this selfish stupid sin
you pushed me to the edge
i pushed it in deeper
i cant take the pain
you wonder why i fear
i imagine the abuse
if we were face to face
you cant imagine the pain i feel
and the pain i begin to chase
i hunt down an item
one sharp enough to scar
turn myself inside out
so you can see the ones in my heart
i put them on display
the pain you made me feel
i tell you that i hate you
i tell you that its real
you tell me that you're sorry
your apology sounds fake
i numb myself toward you
forget my last mistake
i know you'll never read this
i know you'll never see
i'm glad it's finally over
glad i'm finally free