
by Poet on the Piano   Jun 10, 2009

Redeeming, fresh,
Cleansing, healing, soothing,
Bringing a sense of peace to all,


A Cinquain consists of the following syllables: 2, 4, 6, 8, 2.

line 1 - one word (noun) a title or name of the subject
line 2 - two words (adjectives) describing the title
line 3 - three words (verbs) describing an action related to the title
line 4 - four words describing a feeling about the title, a complete sentence
line 5 - one word referring back to the title of the poem


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  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    The only line I didnt like was the last one.. 'Goodness' I dont know what it was but not a really powerful word to me personally as I read it. Everything else though was perfect, described rain so well.. the refreshing smell that goes along with it and the peaceful feeling that comes with it. :] Ahhh.


  • 15 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Rainfall is indeed all that you described here, MaryAnne... In my country rainy days are becoming scarce and I really, really love it when it does rain. I always take a walk right afterwards to breathe in the freshness of the air and the scents from nature:)

    Good job on both the format and the content:)

    5/5 Ingrid

    5/5 Ingrid