Old at Eighteen

by Jasmyn   Jun 10, 2009

I see a face in the mirror
a face i can't believe I'm seeing
dark circles and stress line?!
but I'm only eighteen!
out of state, working a stressful job
coming home everyday to a stressful life...
arguing about everything, frustration at
an all time high
I don't know how i get by.
my tears are weak and powerless
my fears are alert and strong
my hearts telling me not to give up
but my head's saying this is all so wrong.
I want to give up, but i don't want
to let go
i can already feel that you've left me
but i still don't want to know.
How do i know what's right? what's best?
what's true?
How do i know if this is over
or if it's something we can work through?
the frustration is driving me crazy
making me want to scream
but for now all i can do is
go buy some face cream.


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