Comments : God gave you wings

  • 15 years ago

    by Tammi

    Wow love this poem it is so sad yet so full of love and passion 5/5


  • 15 years ago

    by SADADDY

    The love and passion can be felt in these words you have expressed in this write. But yet the sorrow also could be felt as well. The loss of someone close can be heart breaking and painful. In time your heart will heal and you will be able to move on with your life. Take care...may you find peace within your heart one day soon.


  • 15 years ago

    by DarkCrystalbtrfy

    AMAZING!!! This piece is defenatly my favorite! once again I wold tell you all my favorite lines but that would be 80% of the poem. So my fav fav were:

    froze to the ground when I saw your name,

    Upon that wooden cross above your grave.

    You sang into the wind for me to hear.

    Once again your voice in my ear,

    Just wow, The image I got of the cross was old rugged and torn up. But still I could see a lone figure knelt at the bottom with tears running down her face, asking why?

    6/5 if only it would let me vote that : )