I Let You Down

by Hurtingsoul   Jun 23, 2009

Ive let you down
Pushed you, screwed you, left you soulless on the ground
I prayed to god for mercy
One you will never receive
I tried but not my best
Looked for help even less
Things could be different, things could be good
Screw ups like me wouldn't exist to affect your mood
The devil wouldn't even want a bastard like me
Angels only weep at the sight they see
And because I was so worried that the grass wasn't green on my side
Ive failed you when you were torn and deprived
Of love, of kindness, of simple caring
You must hate this life that we are sharing

I could have been your hero
Let my light touches heal you
Held your hand under the moonlight
Scared away the nightmares at night
Been your shoulder to mourn on
Given you warmth and love
Showed you a better life
And then I would've seen your smile one last time


I let you down
Tearful as you hit the ground
I wasn't your hero. I was your enemy
Screwed up your life inevitably
Supposed light touches
Were really hurtful punches
Never held your hand just slapped it away
Nightmares were never yours but mine and here to stay
I was the one that cried on your shoulder
As I only became colder
And you were the one that needed me more than I did you
And selfishly instead of giving you a better life
I gave you strife

It hurts how you had the grace to forgive me
That you were the one with empathy
That you managed to still hold me in the darkest of nights
Set me free from a soul turbulent in fright

I love you so much
But its too late isn't? for such
Because you pushed me up when I let you down
and now literally your six feet in the ground
and all the while
I never got to see your one last smile


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