Loveless suicide

by theory of the loser   Jun 25, 2009

I understood you better than you think,
and your lies honestly leave a foul stink,
yet I love you still,
completely, totally, and at my own will,
but to fall for a cheater that I knew would always cheat,
that's a mistake I hope to never repeat,

I'm your angel and before that was enough,
but now I'm broken, where's true love?
I get it in a way, in others I wish I could see,
but like I sad you're a mistake I hope to never repeat,

And I won't,
because of a broken heart I let my soul rest,
with twenty pills and misery,
I learned the truth, the reality,

I was not loved, so this suicide,
is a loveless one.


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  • 14 years ago

    by H. Elizabeth

    This is really good. I like it. A lot.
