Comments : Just hold me while I cry

  • 15 years ago

    by YourThe ReasonIDiedTonight

    This is a really good poem. Your words flowed beautifully. I really enjoyed reading this poem.

    Keep up the great work


  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    "My eyes can release what words can't describe,
    In the form of my tears."
    `I dont think you need 'my' in front of tears.. it reads better without it.

    "With a heavy heart full of pain,
    And dark, convoluted thoughts,
    I can sob endlessly,
    The teardrops never ceasing."
    `Very undrstanding words here, and of which most of us can relate to.. how much pain we feel in our heart and how the tears just never seem to end, and never stop flowing from our eyes

    "But lately, much to my frustration,
    My body won't let me cry."
    `I can clearly hear the authors voice in these lines and I absolutely adored that.. I love that in poems.. when you can hear the reader speaking through their words. I could feel your emotion, your frustration in these lines, how you cant cry although it feels like you could.

    "Maybe it's because I've hardened,"
    `I didnt like the usage of hardened here, just didnt work for me personally. Maybe say.. 'Maybe its because I'm a fighter..stronger than I used to be.'
    Something like that?

    Definatly I know what youre saying about just wanting someone to comfort you when times are tough.

    If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here. :]

    Take care.
    Good emotional release - always a joy to read new poems from you.

    Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh, just trying to help. :]

    5/5. Temps (:

  • 15 years ago

    by SheenaMarie

    Excellent write 5/5