Scars on my wrists
Voices in my head
I need help
But I'm too afraid to ask
I'm sending you all the signals
So why cant you see?
That I'm only pretending
This isn't the real me
You think the problems are all fixed
Since I've gotten help everything's been better
But it's so far from that
Things have fallen apart once again
I wont let you see the scars
Know what's going on
I'm afraid I'll hurt you
But in the end this is just going to kill me
Of course I smile and laugh
I don't want you to worry anymore
It's called a mask my friend
Over the years I've gotten very good at wearing one
At acting
Pretending every thing's okay
And even when it's not
I know how to hold it all in
No one ever said this was right
I'm not saying it is
But I've been doing this far too long
I don't think I can stop now
Talking never helps
It only leads to yelling
Yelling and fighting only make matters worse
You think I just go to my room and cry
Well you're only half right
Sometimes that's not enough
That's when the blade comes into place
My eyes watch the crimson flow down my arm
Why cant anything be easy anymore?
Whenever I try to tell you something's wrong
You shut me out
Tune out what I'm saying
You're the one in denial here
Not me
I know I have a problem
That I need help
So why wont you let me figure this out?
Why do you keep me confined?
You cage me like a bird
There's no escape
I watch everyone else live their life
They're all smiling and laughing
That's true happiness
No acting going on there
A tear slowly falls in my broken heart
It never reaches the bottom
Why I cant be free like that?
Free to soar through the sky?
I keep reaching out for help
But no one seems to see me
I scream and shout
But the world is deaf to my sound
It cant hear my dieing song
The life slowly being drained out of me
I'm beginning to think my mask is too well constructed
That I'm becoming part of the game
Pretending to be someone I'm not
I'm so sick of all of this
The lies, the mask
I just want to be free again
So why cant I be free?
I take the mask away from my face
Everyone watches me closely now
They're all curious, staring at me in wonder
I drop the mask to the floor
Watching as it shatters into a million pieces
Just like my heart
I look up at the faces watching me
Do you see the real me now?
The look of horror on your faces tell me yes
You're all finally seeing the true me
The true monster held within
Will you help me now that you know that truth?
Can you save me from what I've become?
Or will you run in hide in terror?
Will I forever be numb?