You don't know
Don't pretend to
Please be quiet
Maybe then you'll get it
You mean nothing to me
Really you mean everything to me
I shake my head
Forgetting you
I must only think of myself
You wont be scared or surprised
This may just be the end
Does this have to end?
Yet I still feel lost
Still miss you tonight
I wish I could say that I hate you
But the only person I hate is myself
Just help me get over you
Please let me be over you
I cant save you
You wont save me
So this is the end
But I'll always hold on
Hold onto these bittersweet memories
Though I don't want to
In my dreams you're still here
You're still smiling
But in reality you're gone
This is out last goodbye
Our last apology
Why are you gone?
I close my eyes
Feeling your arms around me
Your tight grip;your breath on my neck
In a split second my eyes fly open
I wont remember that tonight
I cant remember that
I'm shaking so hard from sobbing
Why aren't you here with me?
Why did you leave your butterfly?
I thought I meant something to you
But I meant nothing...
You still mean the world to me
You're now a heartless shell
No longer the person I remember
I don't cry for you anymore
You're not worth my tears
Not worth my time
You're worth so much more
I'm letting you slip through my grip
I'm tired of holding on
There's no way I'm going to forget you
But I'm letting you go
You are free
Unlike your...
This butterfly