Comments : Golden heart

  • 15 years ago

    by BitterXSweetness

    I think that this poem was fair. And please don't get upset about that rating, just think about how u can improve urself as a writer. What I did realize was that u have a lot of emotion and u can tell that right off hand. Me as the reader was able 2 tell that this really touched u and that's beautiful that I was able 2 c ur emotion which is hard when writing about something that some1 else hasn't gone through. I personally never went through some1 killing themselves but I still felt like I was able 2 identify. But (now the cons) I think that u need 2 make urself a little more clear. Even though I was able 2 understand what u meant I still felt like u were kinda vague. Also I think that u need 2 break it up in2 stanza's. I got lost a couple of times. lol But over all 2 me personally it was fair

  • 15 years ago

    by KemistryKia

    [[loved it]]...[[5]]/5